Sunday 15 July 2012

Always when in a deep sleep

Waking with an ache I am sleeping on my right side. I turn over and the pain shifts to my foot then my knee. I am tired and want to sleep, but the sequence begins. My eyes are closed and sticky with sleep. The inevitable is that I will have to get up otherwise the pains with increase and I will suffer more. I swing my legs out of bed and force my eyes to open to find my slippers. My back aches. I hobble to lift my dressing down off the hook and the days begins.

Avoiding mirrors and clocks I start to get my body moving downstairs. It's just getting light so I know it must be after 4. I hope it is then I will have had 5 hours sleep. It could be worse I think to myself. I fill the kettle, boot up the PC, go into the garden and and stand on the patio. The day has begun. The cooling breeze is quite pleasant. Even when its raining it takes my mind off it. Diversion therapy I think to myself.

I go into the garage. It's my workshop. I find my tobacco and I roll a fag. I shouldn't smoke but somehow its my crutch to help me start the day. The pains have eased. I'm tired. Will this ever end?

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